Près de 25% des investissements annuels dans le secteur de l’eau (environ 50 milliards d’euros), disparaissent chaque année sous l’effet de la corruption. The Water Channel organise un échange en ligne le jeudi 25 avril à 13h00 GMT sur ce thème avec le Water Integrity Network.
Webinar today : Water, Integrity and Corruption
Did you know that at least 50 billion Euros— or 25% of all water investments— are lost every year due to corruption in the water sector ?
And do you think that corruption can be curbed through tools & mechanisms that help form information networks and demand accountability ? Binayak Das from the Water Integrity Network thinks so. He will discuss this at a webinar today at 1300 GMT (check your local timing).
Attending the webinar is free and easy.
Choose "Enter as Guest"
Listen to Binayak and put your comments/questions to him through the chat window.
If you have any prior suggestions/questions for the speaker, send them to
For more information, go to
See you there !
With Regards, TheWaterChannel Team